Georges Lüdi

List of John Benjamins publications for which Georges Lüdi plays a role.

Book series


Managing Plurilingual and Intercultural Practices in the Workplace: The case of multilingual Switzerland

Edited by Georges Lüdi, Katharina Höchle Meier and Patchareerat Yanaprasart

[Multilingualism and Diversity Management, 4] 2016. viii, 374 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Discourse studies | Language policy | Multilingualism | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Exploring the Dynamics of Multilingualism: The DYLAN project

Edited by Anne-Claude Berthoud, François Grin and Georges Lüdi

Subjects Applied linguistics | Discourse studies | Language policy | Multilingualism | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Lüdi, Georges 2016 Chapter 3. From language regimes to multilingual practices in different settingsManaging Plurilingual and Intercultural Practices in the Workplace: The case of multilingual Switzerland, Lüdi, Georges, Katharina Höchle Meier and Patchareerat Yanaprasart (eds.), pp. 69–152 | Article
Lüdi, Georges, Katharina Höchle Meier and Patchareerat Yanaprasart 2016 Chapter 7. ConclusionsManaging Plurilingual and Intercultural Practices in the Workplace: The case of multilingual Switzerland, Lüdi, Georges, Katharina Höchle Meier and Patchareerat Yanaprasart (eds.), pp. 313–324 | Article
Lüdi, Georges, Katharina Höchle Meier and Patchareerat Yanaprasart 2016 Chapter 1. IntroductionManaging Plurilingual and Intercultural Practices in the Workplace: The case of multilingual Switzerland, Lüdi, Georges, Katharina Höchle Meier and Patchareerat Yanaprasart (eds.), pp. 1–28 | Article
Lüdi, Georges, Katharina Höchle Meier, Fee Steinbach Kohler and Patchareerat Yanaprasart 2016 Chapter 2. Power in the Implementation of Plurilingual RepertoiresManaging Plurilingual and Intercultural Practices in the Workplace: The case of multilingual Switzerland, Lüdi, Georges, Katharina Höchle Meier and Patchareerat Yanaprasart (eds.), pp. 29–68 | Article
Lüdi, Georges, Nathalie Asensio and Fabia Longhi 2016 “Doctor, are you plurilingual?” Communication in multilingual health settingsManaging Plurilingual and Intercultural Practices in the Workplace: The case of multilingual Switzerland, Lüdi, Georges, Katharina Höchle Meier and Patchareerat Yanaprasart (eds.), pp. 139–152 | Miscellaneous
The DYLAN project provides a fresh look at multilingualism in businesses and institutions of higher education in terms of interrelationships between actual language practices, people’s representations about multilingualism, their declared choices, and the contexts in which they are confronted with… read more
Berthoud, Anne-Claude, François Grin and Georges Lüdi 2013 ConclusionExploring the Dynamics of Multilingualism: The DYLAN project, Berthoud, Anne-Claude, François Grin and Georges Lüdi (eds.), pp. 429–436 | Article
Lüdi, Georges, Katharina Höchle Meier and Patchareerat Yanaprasart 2013 Chapter 3. Multilingualism and diversity management in companies in the Upper Rhine RegionExploring the Dynamics of Multilingualism: The DYLAN project, Berthoud, Anne-Claude, François Grin and Georges Lüdi (eds.), pp. 59–82 | Article
The world’s increasing globalisation requires more interaction among people from diverse settings. Maximising on workplace diversity has become an important issue for management today. Many empirical studies clearly show that the management of linguistic diversity is of central importance to both… read more
Lüdi, Georges 2012 Traces of monolingual and plurilingual ideologies in the history of language policies in FranceStandard Languages and Multilingualism in European History, Hüning, Matthias, Ulrike Vogl and Olivier Moliner (eds.), pp. 205–230 | Article
French is often quoted as the forerunner and model of a very normative and top-down managed language, following the language policy of an archetypal monolingual nation-state, be it France, Quebec or other French-speaking communities in the world. This particular contribution is not going to prove… read more
Lüdi, Georges, Katharina Höchle Meier and Patchareerat Yanaprasart 2010 Plurilingual practices at multilingual workplacesMultilingualism at Work: From policies to practices in public, medical and business settings, Meyer, Bernd and Birgit Apfelbaum (eds.), pp. 211–234 | Article
This chapter presents preliminary results of a research project on the question how European companies working in multilingual contexts manage issues such as language learning, imagined vs. actual language use by employees, i.e. how the latter make use of their plurilingual repertoires, and on the… read more
Lüdi, Georges 2007 6. The Swiss model of plurilingual communicationReceptive Multilingualism: Linguistic analyses, language policies and didactic concepts, Thije, Jan D. ten and Ludger Zeevaert (eds.), pp. 159–178 | Article
The Swiss have decided to teach three languages, the local language, a second national language and English, from Primary school on. This should enable communicative encounters between persons from different linguistic backgrounds. An asymmetry between productive and receptive competences should… read more
Lüdi, Georges 2006 Multilingual repertoires and the consequences for linguistic theoryBeyond Misunderstanding: Linguistic analyses of intercultural communication, Bührig, Kristin and Jan D. ten Thije (eds.), pp. 11–42 | Article