William R. Acton
List of John Benjamins publications for which William R. Acton plays a role.
Role-play and dialogic meta-pragmatics in developing and assessing pragmatic competence Pedagogical Linguistics 4:2, pp. 228–263 | Article
2023 Role-play as a bridging and integrating practice in language teaching and development of pragmatic competence in learners is well-established. In an EAP classroom (Van Dyke & Acton, 2021) explored the impact of one fluency protocol, Cooperative Attending Skills Training, by which students were… read more
Spontaneous classroom engagement facilitating development of L2 pragmatic competence: A naturalistic study Pedagogical Linguistics 3:1, pp. 1–28 | Article
2022 The question of how to teach toward social, cultural and linguistic L2 pragmatic competence has raised serious challenges (Kasper, 1997). This is more the case for spoken rather than written discourse. As can be expected, the underlying pragmatic implications of spontaneous face-to-face… read more