Johan F. Hoorn

List of John Benjamins publications for which Johan F. Hoorn plays a role.


Creative Confluence

Johan F. Hoorn

[Linguistic Approaches to Literature, 16] 2014. xv, 320 pp.
Subjects Cognitive psychology | Consciousness research | Philosophy | Theoretical literature & literary studies

Organic Creativity and the Physics Within

Mea M.M. Lowcre

[Not in series, 179] 2013. x, 59 pp.
Subjects Cognitive psychology | Consciousness research | Philosophy

Epistemics of the Virtual

Johan F. Hoorn

[Linguistic Approaches to Literature, 12] 2012. x, 231 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Philosophy | Theoretical literature & literary studies


Hoorn, Johan F. and Matthijs A. Pontier 2008 Robot communication - human contact with androidsHighlights of Vision Plus 12: Information Design - Achieving Measurable Results, Strand, Lennart and Peter Simlinger (eds.), pp. 236–241 | Article
We are increasingly communicating with robots, and the design of lifelike humanoid robots will face at least five challenges. 1) Robots should meet social needs – people are getting older, lonelier, and are looking for alternatives to face-to-face contact, for instance, in coaching and therapy. 2)… read more