Aijun Huang

List of John Benjamins publications for which Aijun Huang plays a role.


Studies in Chinese and Japanese Language Acquisition: In honor of Stephen Crain

Edited by Mineharu Nakayama, Yi-ching Su and Aijun Huang

Subjects Japanese linguistics | Language acquisition | Sino-Tibetan languages | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics


Huang, Aijun and Francesco-Alessio Ursini 2017 Chapter 11. The acquisition of the wh-pronoun duo-shao in child MandarinStudies in Chinese and Japanese Language Acquisition: In honor of Stephen Crain, Nakayama, Mineharu, Yi-ching Su and Aijun Huang (eds.), pp. 237–264 | Chapter
The Mandarin Chinese wh-pronouns ji-ge ‘how many-cl’ and duo-shao ‘a lot-a little’ can be roughly translated in English as ‘how-many’ and ‘how-much’, respectively. When these two wh-pronouns interact with the negation operator mei ‘not’, there derive similar but not identical readings: while the… read more
Nakayama, Mineharu, Yi-ching Su and Aijun Huang 2017 Studies in Chinese and Japanese Language AcquisitionStudies in Chinese and Japanese Language Acquisition: In honor of Stephen Crain, Nakayama, Mineharu, Yi-ching Su and Aijun Huang (eds.), pp. 1–10 | Chapter