Juliane House
List of John Benjamins publications for which Juliane House plays a role.
ISSN 2352-1805 | E-ISSN 2352-1813
ISSN 2542-5277 | E-ISSN 2542-5285
The Pragmatics of Ritual
Edited by Dániel Z. Kádár and Juliane House
Special issue of Pragmatics 30:1 (2020) v, 168 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Multilingual Discourse Production: Diachronic and Synchronic Perspectives
Edited by Svenja Kranich, Viktor Becher, Steffen Höder and Juliane House
[Hamburg Studies on Multilingualism, 12] 2011. viii, 312 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Historical linguistics | Multilingualism | Pragmatics | Translation Studies
Convergence and Divergence in Language Contact Situations
Edited by Kurt Braunmüller and Juliane House
[Hamburg Studies on Multilingualism, 8] 2009. viii, 241 pp.
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Historical linguistics | Multilingualism | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics
Multilingual Communication
Edited by Juliane House and Jochen Rehbein
[Hamburg Studies on Multilingualism, 3] 2004. viii, 359 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Multilingualism | Pragmatics
Chinese “face”-related expressions in Peking and Teochew Opera scripts: A historical contrastive pragmatic inquiry Journal of Historical Pragmatics: Online-First Articles | Article
2024 This paper presents a historical contrastive pragmatic study of the use of Chinese “face”-related expressions in Peking and Teochew Opera scripts. The rationale behind this investigation is that contemporary Mandarin and the Minnan Dialect operate with very different inventories of… read more
Capturing power in diplomatic language use: The case of a closed-door mediatory negotiation and its aftermath during the breakup of the former Yugoslavia Journal of Language and Politics: Online-First Articles | Article
2024 In this study we capture power dynamics in diplomacy from a pragmatic angle, by examining a closed-door diplomatic mediatory negotiation and its aftermath. We first analyse the transcript of a mediation session between representatives of Slovenia and Croatia and a European Economic Community… read more
Historical language use in Europe from a contrastive pragmatic perspective: An exploratory case study of letter closings Politeness in and across Historical Europe, Paternoster, Annick, Gudrun Held and Dániel Z. Kádár (eds.), pp. 143–159 | Article
2023 This paper presents a case study which brings together the fields of contrastive pragmatics and historical pragmatics. Specifically, we contrastively investigate the ways in which the speech act set of “farewell” – representing the closing phase of an interaction – was realised in… read more
Beyond the deferential view of the Chinese V pronoun nin 您 Pragmatics: Online-First Articles | Article
2023 In this paper, we revisit the long-held assumption that the Chinese second-person V pronoun nin
您 is an essentially ‘deferential’ pronoun. We examine uses of nin in settings where disagreement occurs and where conventionally the T pronoun ni would be preferred. Our research follows a… read more
The pragmatics of English as a lingua franca Trends in Second Language Pragmatics Research Part I: , pp. 121–136 | Article
2022 In this paper I first briefly define the notion of English as a lingua franca and then give an overview of research into the pragmatics of English as a lingua franca (ELF). Investigations into the phenomenon of ELF started during the last two decades of the previous century. ELF in oral… read more
Admonishing: A paradoxical pragmatic behaviour in ancient China Pragmatics 31:2, pp. 173–197 | Article
2021 This paper examines the pragmatic properties of what we define as a ritual act of ‘admonishing’. We argue that admonishing represents a historically embedded realisation type of the speech act Suggest. We explore admonishing in ancient Chinese political and governance texts dated before the 2nd… read more
Ritual frames: A contrastive pragmatic approach The Pragmatics of Ritual, Kádár, Dániel Z. and Juliane House (eds.), pp. 142–168 | Article
2020 Our study provides a corpus-based contrastive pragmatic investigation of the expressions please in English and qing
请 in Chinese. We define such expressions as ‘ritual frame indicating expressions’ (henceforth RFIEs) and argue that RFIEs are deployed in settings where it is important to… read more
The pragmatics of ritual: An introduction The Pragmatics of Ritual, Kádár, Dániel Z. and Juliane House (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Article
2020 This introductory position paper aims to familiarise the reader with the pragmatics of ritual and previous research in this field. Ritual is a complex pragmatic phenomenon present in many types of interaction, and it has been subject to academic inquiries in various disciplines. We will draw on… read more
Ritual frame and ‘politeness markers’ Pragmatics and Society 10:4, pp. 639–647 | Miscellaneous
2019 Translation studies and pragmatics Pragmatics and its Interfaces, Ilie, Cornelia and Neal R. Norrick (eds.), pp. 143–162 | Chapter
2018 My chapter highlights the role of context in the interface between translation studies and pragmatics. Translated texts are doubly contextually bound: to their originals and the new recipients’ contextual conditions. This double linkage underlies the equivalence relation – the conceptual heart… read more
Global English, discourse and translation: Linking constructions in English and German popular science texts Discourse Analysis in Translation Studies, Munday, Jeremy and Meifang Zhang (eds.), pp. 47–62 | Article
2017 This paper first briefly discusses the relationship between comparative discourse analyses of original and translated texts as the basis for revealing the behavior of a particular linguistic phenomenon in context and use. Concretely, the paper examines how global English impacts on translations… read more
Communication studies and translation studies: A special relationship Border Crossings: Translation Studies and other disciplines, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 97–116 | Article
2016 The authors of this chapter, who are associated with the disciplines translation
studies and communication studies respectively, have entered into a constructive
dialogue about whether their two fields can be said to be related, where
common research interests are located and how the two fields… read more
Global English, discourse and translation: Linking constructions in English and German popular science texts Discourse Analysis in Translation Studies, Munday, Jeremy and Meifang Zhang (eds.), pp. 370–386 | Article
2015 This paper first briefly discusses the relationship between comparative discourse analyses of original and translated texts as the basis for revealing the behavior of a particular linguistic phenomenon in context and use. Concretely, the paper examines how global English impacts on translations… read more
Towards a new linguistic-cognitive orientation in translation studies Interdisciplinarity in Translation and Interpreting Process Research, Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen, Susanne Göpferich and Sharon O'Brien (eds.), pp. 49–62 | Article
2015 A new linguistic-cognitive orientation in translation studies is important today because it can complement the current strong wave of socially and culturally oriented research into and around translation. For balance, it is also necessary and insightful to describe and explain how strategies of… read more
Managing academic institutional discourse in English as a lingua franca Discourse linguistics: Theory and practice, Aijmer, Karin and Anita Fetzer (eds.), pp. 50–66 | Article
2014 The study presented in this paper examines the discourse behaviour of participants in academic office hours conducted in English as a lingua franca. Participants in the study are professors, their assistants and international students at a German university. Findings of the analyses of a small… read more
Knowledge transfer on English as a lingua franca in written multilingual business communication Transferring Linguistic Know-how into Institutional Practice, Bührig, Kristin and Bernd Meyer (eds.), pp. 117–136 | Article
2013 English as a lingua franca and translation Handbook of Translation Studies: Volume 4, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 59–62 | Article
2013 Towards a new linguistic-cognitive orientation in translation studies Interdisciplinarity in Translation and Interpreting Process Research, Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen, Susanne Göpferich and Sharon O'Brien (eds.), pp. 46–60 | Article
2013 A new linguistic-cognitive orientation in translation studies is important today because it can complement the current strong wave of socially and culturally oriented research into and around translation. For balance, it is also necessary and insightful to describe and explain how strategies of… read more
Text linguistics and translation Handbook of Translation Studies: Volume 3, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 178–183 | Article
2012 CoSi – A Corpus of Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting Multilingual Corpora and Multilingual Corpus Analysis, Schmidt, Thomas and Kai Wörner (eds.), pp. 295–304 | Article
2012 This paper describes how to access and use a corpus of comparable consecutive and simultaneous interpreting (Brazilian Portuguese and German). The corpus is available free of charge. Our aim is to stimulate discussions on the use and the accessibility of corpora in interpreting studies, and, more… read more
Changing conventions in English-German translations of popular scientific texts Multilingual Individuals and Multilingual Societies, Braunmüller, Kurt and Christoph Gabriel (eds.), pp. 315–334 | Article
2012 This contribution summarizes results of the project Covert Translation, where we investigated the influence of Anglophone communicative conventions on German via translation. Our hypothesis was that the prestige of English as a lingua franca and the growing number of translations from English into… read more
Introduction Multilingual Discourse Production: Diachronic and Synchronic Perspectives, Kranich, Svenja, Viktor Becher, Steffen Höder and Juliane House (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Article
2011 Linking constructions in English and German translated and original texts Multilingual Discourse Production: Diachronic and Synchronic Perspectives, Kranich, Svenja, Viktor Becher, Steffen Höder and Juliane House (eds.), pp. 163–182 | Article
2011 Following previous work on linking constructions in English and German discourse, this study takes a closer look at the functions, the distributions, the collocational potential, and the translation equivalents of two linking constructions: for example and for instance in English original texts,… read more
Translation as a language contact phenomenon: The case of English and Persian passives Languages in Contrast 10:1, pp. 54–75 | Article
2010 This paper investigates how English influences the Persian scientific language. By analyzing parallel corpora of English and Persian texts from the areas of education and psychology, the paper seeks to reveal that translation as a language contact phenomenon influences not only the grammatical and… read more
Overt and covert translation Handbook of Translation Studies: Volume 1, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 245–246 | Article
2010 Linguistic competence and professional identity in English medium instruction Multilingualism at Work: From policies to practices in public, medical and business settings, Meyer, Bernd and Birgit Apfelbaum (eds.), pp. 13–45 | Article
2010 This study is part of a project designed to accompany the process of internationalization of German universities. We examine interactions between advisors and advisees conducted in the lingua franca English in two engineering programs. Using recorded office-hours interactions and interviews, we… read more
Convergence and divergence of communicative norms through language contact in translation Convergence and Divergence in Language Contact Situations, Braunmüller, Kurt and Juliane House (eds.), pp. 125–152 | Article
2009 This contribution addresses the question of whether and how translation as a classic case of language contact can act as a trigger for convergence and divergence phenomena between two languages. We present two studies which indicate that translation-induced convergence does not occur… read more
Some aspects of pragmatics: Linguistic, cognitive, and intercultural Pragmatics & Cognition 17:2, pp. 421–439 | Article
2009 Part of current pragmatics research aims at opening up new avenues of inquiry by revisiting and revising some of its central topics and keywords, such as implicature, explicature, truth, varieties of meaning, meaning inference, relevance, politeness, and face. This review article attempts to… read more
Intercultural pragmatics, language and society Unity and Diversity of Languages, Sterkenburg, Piet van (ed.), pp. 155–173 | Article
2008 8. Speaker stances in native and non-native English conversation: I + verb constructions Receptive Multilingualism: Linguistic analyses, language policies and didactic concepts, Thije, Jan D. ten and Ludger Zeevaert (eds.), pp. 195–214 | Article
2007 In lingua franca communication the participants operate under the assumption of mutual intelligibility despite the fact that they are often unable to know whether their interlocutors’ variety of English in fact provides the same repertoire of linguistic expression and hence the context to decode… read more
„So, given this common theme...“: Linking constructions in discourse across languages Connectivity in Grammar and Discourse, Rehbein, Jochen, Christiane Hohenstein and Lukas Pietsch (eds.), pp. 345–365 | Article
2007 In this paper we deal with “linking constructions”, a phenomenon in the field of “connectivity”1 that has to our knowledge rarely been examined in monolingual texts and discourses, let alone contrastively. We will first relate these devices to the general area of connectivity, then we will look… read more
Connectivity in translation: Transitions from orality to literacy Multilingual Communication, House, Juliane and Jochen Rehbein (eds.), pp. 87–114 | Article
2004 What is multilingual communication? Multilingual Communication, House, Juliane and Jochen Rehbein (eds.), pp. 1–17 | Miscellaneous
2004 English in the world and English in the school Motivation in Language: Studies in honor of Günter Radden, Cuyckens, Hubert, Thomas Berg, René Dirven † and Klaus-Uwe Panther (eds.), pp. 321–345 | Article
2003 Communicating in English as a lingua franca EUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 2 (2002), Foster-Cohen, Susan H., Tanja Ruthenberg and Marie Louise Poschen (eds.), pp. 243–261 | Article
2002 This paper will first discuss the role of English as a lingua franca from historical and socio-political perspectives; it will then review some relevant findings of research into actual interactions conducted in English as a lingua franca (ELF), before describing a study of ELF interactions. It… read more
Consciousness and the Strategic Use of Aids in Translation Tapping and Mapping the Processes of Translation and Interpreting: Outlooks on empirical research, Tirkkonen-Condit, Sonja and Riitta Jääskeläinen (eds.), pp. 149–162 | Article
2000 Linguistic relativity and translation Explorations in Linguistic Relativity, Pütz, Martin and Marjolijn H. Verspoor (eds.), pp. 69–88 | Article
2000 Misunderstanding in Intercultural Communication Interculturele communicatie, pp. 11–17 | Article
1997 Misunderstanding in intercultural communication may result from many different and possibly interacting sources such as inadequate perception, inappropriate comprehension at different linguistic levels, gaps in interlocutors' knowledge of the world, uncooperativeness on the part of one or both of… read more
Of the Limits of Translatability Babel 19:4, pp. 166–167 | Article
1973 In this study we examine how flattery was realised in historical Chinese interactions. We bring together ritual, speech acts and interaction, studying a corpus of interactions drawn from the late imperial satirical novel Guanchang Xianxing Ji 官场现形记 (‘Officialdom Unmasked’). Many claims have been… read more