Kim Schulte
List of John Benjamins publications for which Kim Schulte plays a role.
Chapter 11. Do translators need a different knowledge of their target language? Extrapolations from an empirical study of linguistic interference in English translations by native Spanish speakers Instrumentalising Foreign Language Pedagogy in Translator and Interpreter Training: Methods, goals and perspectives, Seel, Olaf Immanuel, Silvia Roiss and Petra Zimmermann-González (eds.), pp. 196–214 | Chapter
2023 This chapter aims to identify areas in which students of translation can benefit from specific language teaching geared towards their needs as future translators who will normally be expected to translate from as well as into their second language. Drawing on data from translations by several… read more
Chapter 8. On the position of overt subjects in infinitival clauses in Spanish and Portuguese: Pragmatic, semantic and frequency-based motivations Studies in Historical Ibero-Romance Morpho-Syntax, Bouzouita, Miriam, Ioanna Sitaridou and Enrique Pato (eds.), pp. 173–194 | Chapter
2018 A synchronic survey of prepositional infinitive clauses reveals that the position of the subject depends heavily on the preposition heading the infinitival clause; however, equivalent prepositions in Spanish and Portuguese do not necessarily trigger a preference for the same word order. The… read more
Competing modal periphrases in Spanish between the 16th and the 18th centuries: A diachronic variationist approach Diachronica 34:1, pp. 1–39 | Article
2017 The history of Spanish modal constructions has been widely discussed in the literature, focusing primarily on the semantic differences between the available alternatives. This paper offers an innovative analysis of the evolution of these constructions by adopting a diachronic variationist… read more
23. Morphology of the eggs, and what it can tell us about Romanian nominal inflection Morphology and Language History: In honour of Harold Koch, Bowern, Claire, Bethwyn Evans and Luisa Miceli (eds.), pp. 329–339 | Article
2008 Vowel Centralization in Romanian Verbs of Slavic Origin: Deliberate Exploitation of an Indigenous Sound Change? Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2003: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 2003, Nijmegen, 20–22 November, Geerts, Twan, Ivo van Ginneken and Haike Jacobs (eds.), pp. 311–325 | Article
2005 Pragmatic relevance as cause for syntactic change
:The emergence of prepositional complementizers in Romance
Historical Linguistics 2001: Selected papers from the 15th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Melbourne, 13–17 August 2001, Blake, Barry J. and Kate Burridge (eds.), pp. 377–389 | Article