Annick De Houwer

List of John Benjamins publications for which Annick De Houwer plays a role.

Book series


English in Europe Today: Sociocultural and educational perspectives

Edited by Annick De Houwer and Antje Wilton

[AILA Applied Linguistics Series, 8] 2011. xi, 170 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | English linguistics | Language teaching | Multilingualism | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

The Acquisition of Dutch

Edited by Steven Gillis and Annick De Houwer

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 52] 1998. xvi, 444 pp.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Language acquisition

Perspectives on Child Language

Edited by Annick De Houwer and Steven Gillis

[Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 2] 1987. 161 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition
This chapter outlines a holistic framework for approaching the study of language input to children under age 6 acquiring oral languages in bilingual settings. After a brief historical overview, the input factors discussed include relative timing of input in two languages, cumulative, absolute and… read more
De Houwer, Annick 2014 The absolute frequency of maternal input to bilingual and monolingual children: A first comparisonInput and Experience in Bilingual Development, Grüter, Theres and Johanne Paradis (eds.), pp. 37–58 | Article
This study examines the actual amount of maternal language input received by young bilingual versus matched monolingual children. All mothers had always addressed their children in Dutch. The bilingual children in addition heard French from other caregivers since they were born. Analyses are based… read more
Wilton, Antje and Annick De Houwer 2011 The dynamics of English in a multilingual EuropeEnglish in Europe Today: Sociocultural and educational perspectives, De Houwer, Annick and Antje Wilton (eds.), pp. 1–13 | Article
Throughout European history, multilingualism has coexisted with one or more linguae francae. Today’s European lingua franca is English, and it, too, functions within a thoroughly multilingual context. This introduction to the volume English in Europe Today illuminates some of the sociocultural and… read more
Vandekerckhove, Reinhild, Annick De Houwer and Aline Remael 2009 Between language policy and linguistic reality: Intralingual subtitling on Flemish televisionPragmatics 19:4, pp. 609–628 | Article
This paper focuses on a relatively new and much discussed phenomenon on Flemish television: The practice of intralingual subtitling of Dutch, i.e. Dutch subtitling of native speakers of (varieties of) Dutch. Our study investigates the linguistic determinants of intralingual subtitling and… read more
De Houwer, Annick and Steven Gillis 1998 Dutch child language: An overviewThe Acquisition of Dutch, Gillis, Steven and Annick De Houwer (eds.), pp. 1–100 | Article
De Houwer, Annick and Steven Gillis 1998 IntrodutionThe Acquisition of Dutch, Gillis, Steven and Annick De Houwer (eds.) | Miscellaneous
De Houwer, Annick and Wolfgang Wölck 1997 An ethnographic method for studying attitudes towards child languageLanguage Choices: Conditions, constraints, and consequences, Pütz, Martin (ed.), pp. 275–286 | Article
De Houwer, Annick 1987 Nouns and their Companions - or How a Three-Year-Old Handles the Dutch Gender SystemPerspectives on Child Language, De Houwer, Annick and Steven Gillis (eds.), pp. 55–73 | Article
De Houwer, Annick and Steven Gillis 1987 IntroductionPerspectives on Child Language, De Houwer, Annick and Steven Gillis (eds.), pp. 7–9 | Miscellaneous