Even Hovdhaugen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Even Hovdhaugen plays a role.


Hovdhaugen, Even 2005 How Was Mochica Being Pronounced?Missionary Linguistics II / Lingüística misionera II: Orthography and Phonology, Zwartjes, Otto and Cristina Altman (eds.), pp. 171–180 | Article
Zwartjes, Otto and Even Hovdhaugen 2004 IntroductionMissionary Linguistics/Lingüística misionera: Selected papers from the First International Conference on Missionary Linguistics, Oslo, 13–16 March 2003, Zwartjes, Otto and Even Hovdhaugen (eds.), pp. 1–6 | Miscellaneous
Hovdhaugen, Even 1990 Una et Eadem: Some observations on Roger Bacon's Greek grammarDe Ortu Grammaticae: Studies in medieval grammar and linguistic theory in memory of Jan Pinborg, Bursill-Hall, Geoffrey L., Sten Ebbesen and E.F.K. Koerner † (eds.), pp. 117–132 | Article
This article is a study of how Roman grammarians treated a specific grammatical problem, viz., the description and classification of verbal gender in Latin. The results show that various theories were put forward and various possibilities for systematizing and explaining the data were proposed in… read more
Hertzberg, Froydis and Even Hovdhaugen 1979 Some Trends in Norwegian Linguistics 1800–1850Historiographia Linguistica 6:2, pp. 181–197 | Article
The first Norwegian university was founded in 1811; in 1814 Norway became independent from Denmark. These two factors were decisive for the establishment of a linguistic milieu in Norway and for the development of linguistics in that country during the 19th century. Three scholars of very… read more