Nico Carpentier
List of John Benjamins publications for which Nico Carpentier plays a role.
Discourse Theory and the Turn to Practice
Edited by Benjamin De Cleen, Nico Carpentier, Jason Glynos, Jana Goyvaerts, Maximilian Grönegräs and Yannis Stavrakakis
Special issue of Journal of Language and Politics 24:1 (2025) v, 175 pp.
Discourse Theory: Ways forward for theory development and research practice
Edited by Benjamin De Cleen, Jana Goyvaerts, Nico Carpentier, Jason Glynos, Yannis Stavrakakis and Ilija Tomanić Trivundža
Special issue of Journal of Language and Politics 20:1 (2021) vi, 195 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics
“First forced displacements, then slaughter”: Discursive regulations of nature by the state and Sami in a Swedish TV documentary Journal of Language and Politics 21:6, pp. 827–846 | Article
2022 This article examines the discursive construction of nature as represented by the Swedish TV documentary Tvångsförflyttningar – Bággojohtin, which narrates the history of forced displacements of the indigenous people of Sami in northern Sweden in the early 20th century. Our discursive-material… read more
Doing justice to the agential material: A reflection on a non-hierarchical repositioning of the discursive and the material Discourse Theory: Ways forward for theory development and research practice, De Cleen, Benjamin, Jana Goyvaerts, Nico Carpentier, Jason Glynos, Yannis Stavrakakis and Ilija Tomanić Trivundža (eds.), pp. 112–128 | Article
2021 Discourse theory has always paid explicit attention to the material dimension of social reality, with, for instance, the dislocation concept attributing an active role to the material. Still, it lacks attention for the specificity of the material-as-material, and tends to attribute a privileged… read more
Moving discourse theory forward: A five-track proposal for future research Discourse Theory: Ways forward for theory development and research practice, De Cleen, Benjamin, Jana Goyvaerts, Nico Carpentier, Jason Glynos, Yannis Stavrakakis and Ilija Tomanić Trivundža (eds.), pp. 22–46 | Article
2021 This article assesses the current state of play of the poststructuralist and post-Marxist discourse theory associated with Laclau and Mouffe and the ‘Essex school’, and identifies ways forward at the level of theory development, research practice and critique. The article starts by disentangling… read more
An introduction to the special issue on ‘Discourse Theory: Ways forward for theory development and research practice’: Ways forward for theory development and research practice’ Discourse Theory: Ways forward for theory development and research practice, De Cleen, Benjamin, Jana Goyvaerts, Nico Carpentier, Jason Glynos, Yannis Stavrakakis and Ilija Tomanić Trivundža (eds.), pp. 1–9 | Article
2021 This article introduces the special issue of the Journal of Language and Politics on ‘Discourse Theory: Ways forward for theory development and research practice.’ In this introduction we discuss the aims and structure of this special issue focused on the development of the poststructuralist and… read more
Constructing the Czech nation: A discursive-theoretical analysis of the articulation of the nation in the cultural magazines produced by Czech WWII London exiles Journal of Language and Politics 17:6, pp. 713–743 | Article
2018 The article’s objective is to analyse the discursive construction of the Czech nation in three cultural magazines, produced by Czech exiles in London during WWII. The theoretical backbone for this analysis is provided by Laclau and Mouffe’s (1985) discourse theory, which in turn supports a… read more
The discursive construction of the good death and the dying person: A discourse-theoretical analysis of Belgian newspaper articles on medical end-of-life decision making Journal of Language and Politics 11:4, pp. 479–499 | Article
2012 The concept of a good death is central to contemporary discourses on death and dying; it is also frequently used in contexts of end-of-life decision-making. We argue that in and through the medical-revivalist discourse, which challenges the idea that curative treatment is necessary beneficial and… read more
Bringing Discourse Theory into Media Studies: The applicability of Discourse Theoretical Analysis (DTA) for the Study of media practises and discourses Journal of Language and Politics 6:2, pp. 265–293 | Article
2007 When Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe published an elaborate version of their discourse theory in Hegemony and Socialist Strategy (1985), they were met with fierce resistance by a unified front of traditional Marxists and anti-poststructuralists. The debates on post-Marxism dominated much of the… read more