Amalia Bar-On

List of John Benjamins publications for which Amalia Bar-On plays a role.


Ravid, Dorit, Amalia Bar-On, Ronit Levie and Odelia Douani 2021 Chapter 5. Hebrew adjective lexicons in developmental perspective: Subjective register and morphologyPolylogues on The Mental Lexicon: An exploration of fundamental issues and directions, Libben, Gary, Gonia Jarema and Victor Kuperman (eds.), pp. 109–142 | Chapter
Ravid, Dorit, Amalia Bar-On, Ronit Levie and Odelia Douani 2016 Hebrew adjective lexicons in developmental perspective: Subjective register and morphologyNew Questions for the Next Decade, Jarema, Gonia, Gary Libben and Victor Kuperman (eds.), pp. 401–428 | Article
Objective frequency does not always provide reliable information about lexical distributions across individuals’ development. We propose the subjective ranking by experts of lexical items’ register in the sense of ‘levels of linguistic usage’, which has been independently linked to AoA, as an… read more
Ravid, Dorit, Amalia Bar-On and Elitzur Dattner 2013 Linguistics in the service of communication disorders: New frontiersApplications in Applied Linguistics: AILA Review, Volume 26, Knapp, Karlfried (ed.), pp. 79–99 | Article
Linguistics and Communication Disorders are considered two different disciplines by most students and scholars in both fields as well as by researchers working in other relevant fields such as psychology and education. However, most core disorders, disabilities and delays in communicative ability… read more