Teresa Cabré
Also known as Teresa Cabré Monné.List of John Benjamins publications for which Teresa Cabré plays a role.
Person/Number exponents in imperative-enclitic contexts Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 16: Selected papers from the 47th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Newark, Delaware, Vogel, Irene (ed.), pp. 37–48 | Chapter
2020 The goal of this paper is to analyse the partial or total deletion of the Person/Number exponents in imperative-enclitic contexts in Catalan and Spanish. Both languages lose phonological material in a specific context, but Spanish deletes the right-edge segment from the verb whereas Barcelona… read more
Vowel reduction and vowel harmony in Eastern Catalan loanword phonology Phonetics and Phonology: Interactions and interrelations, Vigário, Marina, Sónia Frota and M. João Freitas (eds.), pp. 267–286 | Article
2009 The aim of this paper is to account for the phonological adaptation of loanwords in Eastern Catalan. As the phonology of these new words deviates from that of the native Catalan vocabulary set (with a certain amount of variation among speakers), the new phonetic features would seem to be borrowed… read more
Stem boundary and stress effects on syllabification in Spanish Phonetics and Phonology: Interactions and interrelations, Vigário, Marina, Sónia Frota and M. João Freitas (eds.), pp. 159–180 | Article
2009 Exceptional hiatuses in Spanish Optimality-Theoretic Studies in Spanish Phonology, Martínez-Gil, Fernando and Sonia Colina (eds.), pp. 205–238 | Article
2006 This paper provides a close examination of how Spanish speakers syllabify sequences of vocoids of rising sonority within the lexicon (e.g., piano ‘piano’, persiana ‘blind’ or historia ‘history’). A survey with 246 words administered to 15 Peninsular Spanish speakers has enabled us to examine in a… read more