Corinne Squire

List of John Benjamins publications for which Corinne Squire plays a role.

Squire, Corinne 2012 Narratives, connections and social changeNarrative Inquiry 22:1, pp. 50–68 | Article
In this article, I suggest that narratives’ importance for social change may be understood by examining specific elements of narrative syntax — key rhetorical tropes within stories, and story genres. I argue that these stylistic elements generate social connections that themselves support and… read more
Andrews, Molly, Corinne Squire and Maria Tamboukou 2011 Interfaces in teaching narrativesLearning and Teaching Narrative Inquiry: Travelling in the Borderlands, Trahar, Sheila (ed.), pp. 15–32 | Article
This chapter is co-written by the three directors of the Centre for Narrative Research at the University of East London, UK and consists of their reflections on teaching narrative to post-graduate students in Britain. The organisation of the chapter is in three different voices, reflecting the… read more
This paper examines narrative representations of “race” and gender in daytime television talk shows. This television genre is saturated with told stories; indeed, it often seems to be these stories that account for the genre’s critical and academic dismissal, despite its fifteen-year dominance in… read more