Christine Lombez

List of John Benjamins publications for which Christine Lombez plays a role.


Durant la période de l’Occupation militaire allemande en France (1940–44), les revues culturelles et littéraires fleurissent, qu’il s’agisse de publications officielles, soutenues par les pouvoirs publics (voire publiées directement par l’Occupant), ou encore de feuilles sorties dans la… read more
Lombez, Christine 2013 Translating German poetry into French under the Occupation: The example of R. Lasne’s and G. Rabuse’s anthology (1943)Translation in Anthologies and Collections (19th and 20th Centuries), Seruya, Teresa, Lieven D’hulst, Alexandra Assis Rosa and Maria Lin Moniz (eds.), pp. 205–216 | Article
How should an anthology of texts written in the language of the occupier be compiled in an occupied country? Which political or ideological criteria should be used and for which readers? This paper will address the Anthologie de la poésie allemande des origines à nos jours [Anthology of German… read more