Philemon Bantimaroudis
List of John Benjamins publications for which Philemon Bantimaroudis plays a role.
Agenda selfying and agendamelding: Advancing the salience of the self The Agenda Setting Journal 5:2, pp. 115–133 | Article
2021 This essay examines the notion of personal salience, introducing individual online media users as ‘objects’ in the context of agenda setting theory. The salience of the self has been investigated by scholars in various interdisciplinary explorations. In this project, the notion of personal… read more
Long-term evidence of cultural agenda setting: The case of the Smithsonian Institution Fifty years of agenda-setting research: Volume II, Vargo, Chris J. (ed.), pp. 3–22 | Article
2019 The current study draws evidence from the Smithsonian Institution while examining a classic agenda-setting hypothesis during a period of 30 years in relation to media attention of the Smithsonian and a behavioral index of public salience, – namely its long-term, monthly visits. Second, it… read more