Pål Kristian Eriksen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Pål Kristian Eriksen plays a role.


Eriksen, Pål Kristian, Seppo Kittilä and Leena Kolehmainen 2015 The world is raining: Meteorological predicates and their subjects in a typological perspectiveSubjects in Constructions – Canonical and Non-Canonical, Helasvuo, Marja-Liisa and Tuomas Huumo (eds.), pp. 205–228 | Article
The peculiar semantic properties of meteorological predicates have linguistic consequences. Some of these consequences concern their subjects, which do not behave like prototypical subjects do. Meteorological predicates often lack a subject, and in the languages where they do have subjects they are… read more
In a substantial number of languages negation of non-verbal predicates diverges from standard negation. In this paper I approach this phenomenon from a typological perspective, and claim that non-standard negation of non-verbal predicates can be described through a generalization I refer to as DNA… read more
Eriksen, Pål Kristian, Seppo Kittilä and Leena Kolehmainen 2010 The linguistics of weather: Cross-linguistic patterns of meteorological expressionsStudies in Language 34:3, pp. 565–601 | Article
This paper is a cross-linguistic investigation of meteorological expressions (such as it is snowing or the wind blows). The paper proposes a three-fold typology of meteorological constructions according to the element primarily responsible for the coding of weather. In the predicate type, a… read more