Valentina Ragni
List of John Benjamins publications for which Valentina Ragni plays a role.
Reverse subtitles in foreign language learning: Noticing and memory Audiovisual translation and media accessibility in language learning contexts: Multiple modes, innovative practices and further explorations, Manfredi, Marina, Catia Nannoni and Rosa Pugliese (eds.), pp. 261–282 | Article
2023 This paper reports on an eye-tracking study investigating the processing and mnemonic retention of reverse subtitles (foreign-language subtitles presented alongside native-language audio) in learners of Italian as a Foreign language (IFL). 26 English native speakers with a CEFR B2+ Italian level… read more
Translator autonomy in the age of behavioural data Translation, Cognition & Behavior 4:1, pp. 124–146 | Article
2021 Translation behaviour is increasingly tracked to benchmark productivity, to calculate pay or to automate project management decisions. Although in many cases these practices are commonplace, their effects are surprisingly under-researched. This article investigates the consequences of activity… read more
Didactic subtitling in the Foreign Language (FL) classroom. Improving language skills through task-based practice and Form-Focused Instruction (FFI): Background considerations Audiovisual Translation in Applied Linguistics: Educational perspectives, Incalcaterra McLoughlin, Laura, Jennifer Lertola and Noa Talaván (eds.), pp. 9–29 | Chapter
2020 Didactic subtitling is a relatively new area of investigation that is undergoing a surge in popularity. By bringing together findings from Audiovisual Translation (AVT), Second Language Acquisition (SLA) and psycholinguistics, some theoretical issues related to the practice of subtitle creation… read more
Didactic subtitling in the Foreign Language (FL) classroom. Improving language skills through task-based practice and Form-Focused Instruction (FFI): Background considerations Audiovisual translation in applied linguistics: Educational perspectives, Incalcaterra McLoughlin, Laura, Jennifer Lertola and Noa Talaván (eds.), pp. 9–29 | Article
2018 Didactic subtitling is a relatively new area of investigation that is undergoing a surge in popularity. By bringing together findings from Audiovisual Translation (AVT), Second Language Acquisition (SLA) and psycholinguistics, some theoretical issues related to the practice of subtitle creation… read more