Katia Lida Kermanidis
List of John Benjamins publications for which Katia Lida Kermanidis plays a role.
Chapter 8. Observing Eurolects: The case of Greek Observing Eurolects: Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU law, Mori, Laura (ed.), pp. 169–198 | Chapter
2018 The present paper presents the findings from the analysis of the Greek corpus of European Union directives spanning the years 1999–2008 (corpus A) and the corpus of the legal instruments used to transpose them into Greek law (corpus B). The aim of the analysis is to verify the existence of a Greek… read more
Automatic acquisition of verb subcategorization information by exploiting mininal linguistic resources International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 9:1, pp. 1–28 | Article
2004 A set of well known statistical filtering methods (binomial hypothesis testing, log-likelihood ratio, t-test, thresholds on relative frequencies) is used on Modern Greek and English corpora in order to automatically acquire verb subcategorization frames that are not limited in number and are not… read more