Eve V. Clark
List of John Benjamins publications for which Eve V. Clark plays a role.
Experience, Variation and Generalization: Learning a first language
Edited by Inbal Arnon and Eve V. Clark
[Trends in Language Acquisition Research, 7] 2011. x, 300 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition
Chapter 2. Word meanings and semantic domains in acquisition Semantics in Language Acquisition, Syrett, Kristen and Sudha Arunachalam (eds.), pp. 21–43 | Chapter
2018 As children accumulate words, they build up semantic domains. In doing this, they start to link the meanings of words, depending on how they are related to each other. They rely on conceptual representations of objects and events, and on how adults talk about objects and events. Adults typically… read more
Chapter 8. Conversational partners and common ground: Variation contributes to language acquisition Sources of Variation in First Language Acquisition: Languages, contexts, and learners, Hickmann, Maya †, Edy Veneziano and Harriet Jisa (eds.), pp. 163–182 | Chapter
2018 Children’s early exposure to and experience with language varies. They differ in how much conversational interaction they have with more expert adult speakers, which affects both speed of processing and early vocabulary acquisition. Another source of variation is how many interlocutors children… read more
Chapter 2. Becoming social and interactive with language Social Environment and Cognition in Language Development: Studies in honor of Ayhan Aksu-Koç, Ketrez, F. Nihan, Aylin C. Küntay, Şeyda Özçalışkan and Aslı Özyürek (eds.), pp. 19–34 | Chapter
2017 Children interact with others from early in infancy: They smile in response to smiles, follow adult gaze, attend to objects others are looking at, mimic adult intonation contours in their babbling, and make use of gestures and actions to attract attention. They interact more intensively as they… read more
Two Pragmatic Principles in Language Use and Acquisition Pragmatic Development in First Language Acquisition, Matthews, Danielle (ed.), pp. 105–120 | Article
2014 Speakers, adults and children, rely on two pragmatic principles in language use: conventionality in the meanings of the words chosen to convey their intentions, and contrast among these meanings. Early recognition of these two principles allows children to add readily to their lexical repertoire on… read more
Introduction Experience, Variation and Generalization: Learning a first language, Arnon, Inbal and Eve V. Clark (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Article
2011 Using speech and gesture to introduce new objects to young children Gesture 11:1, pp. 1–23 | Article
2011 Adults rely on both speech and gesture to provide children with information pertinent to new word meanings. Parents were videotaped introducing new objects to their children (aged 1;6 and 3;0). They introduce these objects in three phases: (1) they establish joint attention on an object; (2) they… read more