Mariëlle Leijten

List of John Benjamins publications for which Mariëlle Leijten plays a role.


A reading-to-write task is a complex cognitive activity. The aim of this study is to gain insight into the difficulties that advanced learners of Spanish as a foreign language for professional communication purposes experience when they have to perform a reading-to-write task. This insight will… read more
Leijten, Mariëlle, Luuk Van Waes and Eric Van Horenbeeck 2015 Analyzing writing process data: A linguistic perspectiveWriting(s) at the Crossroads: The process–product interface, Cislaru, Georgeta (ed.), pp. 277–302 | Article
In this paper we briefly introduce keystroke logging as a research method in writing research, focusing more explicitly on the recently developed linguistic analysis technique. In a case study of two elderly people (healthy versus demented), we illustrate some aspects of this linguistic approach.… read more
Lindgren, Eva, Mariëlle Leijten and Luuk Van Waes 2011 Adapting to the reader during writingWritten Language & Literacy 14:2, pp. 188–223 | Article
Awareness of the reader and ability to adapt the text to the reader are assumed to be important aspects of successful writing. Models of writing development include the aspect of reader awareness, as a rhetorical goal, that writers develop gradually and that eventually distinguishes expert writers… read more