Nieves Hernández-Flores
List of John Benjamins publications for which Nieves Hernández-Flores plays a role.
‘Lo que se debe hacer es cambiar un poco el estilo de vida’: Estrategias de atenuación en el consejo médico Estrategias atenuantes en géneros discursivos del español: Interfaz semántico-pragmática, Albelda Marco, Marta (ed.), pp. 325–345 | Article
2018 Este trabajo estudia las estrategias de atenuación utilizadas en consejos médicos durante consultas de atención primaria. El objetivo es relacionar el uso de atenuantes con el efecto social producido en la imagen de los interactuantes de acuerdo con los roles desempeñados en la interacción… read more
The use of personal deixis as an ideological instrument in Spanish political discourse Deixis and Pronouns in Romance Languages, Kragh, Kirsten Jeppesen and Jan Lindschouw (eds.), pp. 171–188 | Article
2013 The aim of this article is to investigate the relationship between personal deictic expressions and context in political discourse. The focus is on the contextual cognitive and social processes that are involved in conceptualizing deixis as an instrument of ideology and persuasion. The data consist… read more
Politeness and other types of facework: Communicative and social meaning in a television panel discussion (Im)politeness in Spanish-speaking socio-cultural contexts, Bravo, Diana (ed.), pp. 681–706 | Article
2008 TV-panel discussions constitute a communicative genre with specific features concerning the situational context, the communicative goals, the roles played by the participants and the acts that are carried out in the interaction. In the Spanish TV-debate Cada día, discourse is characterized as… read more
12. Politeness as ‘face’ enhancement: An analysis of Spanish conversations between friends and family Current Trends in the Pragmatics of Spanish, Márquez Reiter, Rosina and María Elena Placencia (eds.), pp. 265–286 | Chapter
2004 Politeness ideology in Spanish colloquial conversation: The case of advice Ideologies of politeness, Kienpointner, Manfred (ed.), pp. 37–49 | Article