Ingo Reich

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ingo Reich plays a role.


Particles in German, English, and Beyond

Edited by Remus Gergel, Ingo Reich and Augustin Speyer

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 224] 2022. vi, 382 pp.
Subjects Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Gergel, Remus, Ingo Reich and Augustin Speyer 2022 Chapter 1. Particles: A brief synchronic, diachronic and contrastive introductionParticles in German, English, and Beyond, Gergel, Remus, Ingo Reich and Augustin Speyer (eds.), pp. 1–24 | Chapter
This chapter provides a general background to the field of particles by introducing major classifications and considerations from synchronic, diachronic, and contrastive perspectives. It builds on earlier literature from the respective fields. In doing so, it also prepares the ground for the… read more
Reich, Ingo 2017 On the omission of articles and copulae in German newspaper headlinesRegister Variation and Syntactic Theory, Massam, Diane and Tim Stowell (eds.), pp. 186–204 | Article
This paper argues based on a corpus-linguistic study that both omitted articles and copulae in German headlines are to be treated as null elements NA and NC. Both items need to be licensed by a specific (parsing) strategy known as discourse orientation (Huang, 1984), which is also applicable in… read more
Reich, Ingo 2007 Toward a uniform analysis of short answers and gappingOn Information Structure, Meaning and Form: Generalizations across languages, Schwabe, Kerstin and Susanne Winkler (eds.), pp. 467–484 | Article