Ali Idrissi

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ali Idrissi plays a role.

Two acceptability experiments are presented which assess whether resumptive pronouns freely alternate with gaps and/or ameliorate island violation effects in wh-questions in Modern Standard Arabic. Both experiments test Complex Noun Phrase Constraint violations, adjunct island violations, and… read more
This study calculates developmental indices of language growth in Emirati Arabic based on a two-year longitudinal corpus collected from six Emirati children.1 The target indices include Mean Length of Utterance in morphemes and words (MLUm and MLUw), utterance-per-turn counts (UoT),… read more
Prunet, Jean-Francois and Ali Idrissi 2014 Overlapping morphologies in Arabic hypocoristicsThe Form of Structure, the Structure of Form: Essays in honor of Jean Lowenstamm, Bendjaballah, Sabrina, Noam Faust, Mohamed Lahrouchi and Nicola Lampitelli (eds.), pp. 177–192 | Article
We show that Arabic uses some regular suffixes to build hypocoristics, i.e., nicknames derived from proper names, after emptying these suffixes of (most of) their semantic and morphological content. This gives rise to overlapping morphologies in which a suffix has one function in the usual… read more
Idrissi, Ali 2000 On Berber PluralsResearch in Afroasiatic Grammar: Papers from the Third conference on Afroasiatic Languages, Sophia Antipolis, 1996, Lecarme, Jacqueline, Jean Lowenstamm and Ur Shlonsky (eds.), pp. 101–124 | Article
Idrissi, Ali 1997 Plural Formation in ArabicPerspectives on Arabic Linguistics: Papers from the Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, Eid, Mushira and Robert R. Ratcliffe (eds.), pp. 123–146 | Article