Michael Shelton
List of John Benjamins publications for which Michael Shelton plays a role.
How Spanish phonotactics informs psycholinuistic models of speech production Romance Linguistics 2008: Interactions in Romance, Arregi, Karlos, Zsuzsanna Fagyal, Silvina Montrul and Annie Tremblay (eds.), pp. 249–264 | Article
2010 This study emphasizes the importance of close examination of language-specific phonotactic patterns when testing models of language processing. The results of a delayed naming task testing native speakers’ reactions to nonwords containing licit vs. proscribed patterns of stress and syllable… read more
Proscriptions…Gaps…and Something in Between: An Experimental Examination of Spanish Phonotactics Romance Linguistics 2007: Selected papers from the 37th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Pittsburgh, 15–18 March 2007, Masullo, Pascual José, Erin O'Rourke and Chia-Hui Huang (eds.), pp. 261–275 | Article
2009 This study tests, via the collection of online, behavioral data, native speaker reactions to two types of words that are absent from the Spanish lexicon. The experiment compares proscriptions, phonotactic sequences that are phonologically prohibited, historical gaps, forms that are synchronically… read more