Hassan Abu Bakar

List of John Benjamins publications for which Hassan Abu Bakar plays a role.


Strategic Communication: Beyond nation cultural adaption, images and identity

Edited by Hassan Abu Bakar and Bahtiar Bin Mohamad

Special issue of Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 28:1 (2018) v, 194 pp.
Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | Altaic languages | Communication Studies


Raza, Syed Hassan, Hassan Abu Bakar and Bahtiar Bin Mohamad 2018 Advertising appeals and Malaysian culture norms: Scale content validationStrategic Communication: Beyond nation cultural adaption, images and identity, Abu Bakar, Hassan and Bahtiar Bin Mohamad (eds.), pp. 61–82 | Article
The ongoing development of the strategic communication research in the area of the advertising calls for the development and validation of the measurement instruments that can address the indulgence of the advertising appeals in a specific cultural context. Therefore, the present study examines… read more