Máiréad Moriarty

List of John Benjamins publications for which Máiréad Moriarty plays a role.

A recent move in semiotic landscape studies is to examine how those placed on the margins of society counteract such regulation by using the semiotic landscape as a platform to enact regimes of voice and agency where scholarly attention has begun to study the spatial representations of… read more
Moriarty, Máiréad and Maida Kosatica-Bilkic 2025 Broken: Towards a vulnerability approach to SL researchLinguistic Landscape: Online-First Articles | Introduction
Moriarty, Máiréad 2019 Regimes of voice and visibility in the refugeescape: A semiotic landscape approachX-Scapes: New horizons in Linguistic Landscapes, Thurlow, Crispin and Kellie Gonçalves (eds.), pp. 142–159 | Article
This paper proposes refugeescapes as a framework for expanding the focus of semiotic landscape studies by centering migration, inequality, and social exclusion. In so doing, the article adds to the work of Mpendukana and Stroud (2018) and Kerfoot and Hytlenstam (2017) in uncovering how place is… read more
This paper seeks to gauge the success of language planning initiatives in reversing language shift in Ireland and the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC) amongst Irish and Basque university students who are not first-language speakers of either minority language. By examining data elicited through… read more