Suzi Lima
List of John Benjamins publications for which Suzi Lima plays a role.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Typology
Previous studies have explored two semantic features – cardinality and volume – to shown that bare singulars such as banana in Eu comi banana (I ate banana) allows a count and a mass interpretation in Brazilian Portuguese. In this chapter we explore whether other features such as value impact… read more
This paper describes the count/mass distinction in Patxohã, a revitalized language spoken in Bahia and Minas Gerais, Brazil. We observe that only count nouns can be directly combined with numerals and that only count nouns can co-occur with plural determiners. Furthermore, only count nouns can be… read more
While much work has been done on the description of the mass/count distinction in different geographical areas, Brazilian Indigenous languages are still highly underrepresented in the field. This paper presents the results of a project that involved researchers describing the mass/count… read more