Tracy Quan

List of John Benjamins publications for which Tracy Quan plays a role.


Pozzi, Rebecca, Chelsea Escalante and Tracy Quan 2023 “Being myself in Spanish”: A heritage speaker’s evolving pragmatic choices and awareness during study abroadHeritage learners studying abroad, George, Angela (ed.), pp. 230–258 | Article
This case study examines the pragmatic development of address forms of a US-based Spanish heritage speaker of Mexican descent, Juan, during an 11-week abroad program in Argentina. Instruments included a background questionnaire, a pre/post-written elicitation task, four interviews, and 16… read more
Research (e.g., Wood, 2010a) suggests that study abroad (SA) and the use of formulaic language (FL), or sequences of words that tend to go together, aid L2 oral fluency. Nonetheless, there is conflicting evidence regarding whether quantity of L2 use abroad is a predictor of language outcomes.… read more