Marcus Tomalin

List of John Benjamins publications for which Marcus Tomalin plays a role.


Subjects History of linguistics | Languages of North America
Tomalin, Marcus 2010 Migrating propositions and the evolution of Generative GrammarChomskyan (R)evolutions, Kibbee, Douglas A. (ed.), pp. 315–336 | Article
This chapter considers the way in which linguistic theories develop (or ‘evolve’). Taking the ‘Research Program’ model of scientific theory development as a starting point, the discussion focuses on the intricate relationship between Generative Grammar and Relational Grammar during the period… read more
This article reconsiders various aspects of missionary linguistics on the Pacific Northwest Coast in the late 19th century. In particular, it explores the complex relationship between Alfred Hall’s (1853–1918) A Grammar of the Kwagiutl Language (1888) and Charles Harrison’s (d.1926) Haida Grammar… read more
This article assesses Robert Maunsell’s (1810–1894) Grammar of the New Zealand Language (1842). In particular, it is shown that, contrary to established belief, Maunsell’s Grammar was not exclusively based upon European or Hebrew grammatical models, but rather that it constituted an intriguing… read more
Tomalin, Marcus 2004 Leonard Bloomfield: Linguistics and mathematicsHistoriographia Linguistica 31:1, pp. 105–136 | Article
This paper considers various aspects of Leonard Bloomfield’s (1887–1949) interest in contemporaneous mathematics. Specifically, some of the sources from which he obtained his mathematical knowledge are discussed, as are his own proposals for a linguistics-based solution to the foundations crisis… read more