Krisztina Zimányi
List of John Benjamins publications for which Krisztina Zimányi plays a role.
“Somebody has to be in charge of a session”: On the control of communication in interpreter-mediated mental health encounters Translation and Interpreting Studies 8:1, pp. 94–111 | Article
2013 Interpreting between a minority language speaker or user (a service user or client) and a representative of an authority (service provider) is frequently referred to as Community Interpreting. One of the challenges of such triadic communication between linguistically and culturally diverse… read more
Conflict recognition, prevention and resolution in mental health interpreting: Exploring Kim’s cross-cultural adaptation model Translation and the Genealogy of Conflict, Pérez-González, Luis (ed.), pp. 207–228 | Article
2012 This article investigates the application of Kim’s (2001) theory of communication and cross-cultural adaptation to identifying and resolving areas of conflict in mental health interpreting in Ireland and, by extension, in the wider field of community interpreting. In the context of Kim’s… read more
On the Situational and Cultural Significance of Narratives in Mental Health Interpreting FORUM 8:1, pp. 237–266 | Article
2010 Abstract/Résumé
Les interprètes communautaires doivent faire passer des messages entre des langues souvent très différentes, avec le plus de précision possible. De plus, les aprioris socioculturels des locuteurs primaires sont extrêmement variés, ce qui rend très difficile la tâche de trouver des… read more