Ellen B. Basso

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ellen B. Basso plays a role.


Basso, Ellen B. 2014 Compounding in Kalapalo, a Southern Cariban languageWord Formation in South American Languages, Danielsen, Swintha, Katja Hannss and Fernando Zúñiga (eds.), pp. 181–206 | Article
Compounds in the Southern Cariban language Kalapalo include (a) extended verb stems formed by nominal roots prefixed to basic verb stems and more commonly (b) clitic clustering involving two or more members of one of the four different semantic types of this word class. Clitic compounds have… read more
Basso, Ellen B. 2008 Epistemic Deixis in KalapaloPragmatics 18:2, pp. 215–252 | Article
Speakers of Kalapalo, a Southern Carib language spoken in central Brazil, use a complex set of grammatical particles to reference epistemic judgments. Using data from narratives, hereditary leader’s ritual communication, ritual songs, conversations, and didactic speech, I use deictic and stance… read more