Laurel MacKenzie

List of John Benjamins publications for which Laurel MacKenzie plays a role.


The Locus of Linguistic Variation

Edited by Constantine Lignos, Laurel MacKenzie and Meredith Tamminga

[Benjamins Current Topics, 97] 2018. x, 193 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

The locus of linguistic variation

Edited by Constantine Lignos, Laurel MacKenzie and Meredith Tamminga

Special issue of Linguistic Variation 16:2 (2016) x, 186 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Typology
Lignos, Constantine, Laurel MacKenzie and Meredith Tamminga 2018 Introduction: The locus of linguistic variationThe Locus of Linguistic Variation, Lignos, Constantine, Laurel MacKenzie and Meredith Tamminga (eds.), pp. vii–x | Article
Tamminga, Meredith, Laurel MacKenzie and David Embick 2018 The dynamics of variation in individualsThe Locus of Linguistic Variation, Lignos, Constantine, Laurel MacKenzie and Meredith Tamminga (eds.), pp. 151–187 | Article
This paper examines the factors conditioning the production of linguistic variables in real time by individual speakers: what we term the dynamics of variation in individuals. We propose a framework that recognizes three types of factors conditioning variation: sociostylistic, internal linguistic,… read more
Lignos, Constantine, Laurel MacKenzie and Meredith Tamminga 2016 Introduction: The locus of linguistic variationThe locus of linguistic variation, Lignos, Constantine, Laurel MacKenzie and Meredith Tamminga (eds.), pp. vii–x | Article
Tamminga, Meredith, Laurel MacKenzie and David Embick 2016 The dynamics of variation in individualsThe locus of linguistic variation, Lignos, Constantine, Laurel MacKenzie and Meredith Tamminga (eds.), pp. 300–336 | Article
This paper examines the factors conditioning the production of linguistic variables in real time by individual speakers: what we term the dynamics of variation in individuals. We propose a framework that recognizes three types of factors conditioning variation: sociostylistic, internal linguistic,… read more