Francisca Suau-Jiménez
List of John Benjamins publications for which Francisca Suau-Jiménez plays a role.
La negociación de la autenticidad en el lenguaje dialógico del turismo digital Spanish in Context 20:1, pp. 130–153 | Article
2023 Este artículo se propone realizar un análisis socio-discursivo de cómo se construye y se negocia la autenticidad en el discurso del turismo, asumiendo el acercamiento imparable que ha tenido lugar hacia la figura del cliente (Austin 2009) a través de un fenómeno comunicativo esencial como es la… read more
Chapter 18. Engagement of readers/customers in the discourse of e-tourism promotional genres Engagement in Professional Genres, Sancho Guinda, Carmen (ed.), pp. 341–358 | Chapter
2019 Tourism 2.0 involves direct e-communication between travellers and the tourism industry, and needs websites that attract customers. Recent research in this field (Austin 2009; Brodie, Hollebeek et al. 2011) suggests that they must also include the co-creation of values that align with the customer… read more
Chapter 5. Dialogic voices of writers and readers in traveller forums through interpersonality Dialogicity in Written Specialised Genres, Gil-Salom, Luz and Carmen Soler-Monreal (eds.), pp. 137–164 | Article
2014 This study explores web-based discourse genres and applies a dialogic framework
to the study of interpersonality in traveller forums. This genre belongs to
the domain of travel and tourism, where the interaction of writers-readers leads
towards its ultimate purpose: to persuade others through… read more