Charlotte Appel

List of John Benjamins publications for which Charlotte Appel plays a role.


Transnational Books for Children 1750-1900: Producers, consumers, encounters

Edited by Charlotte Appel, Nina Christensen and M.O. Grenby

Subjects Theoretical literature & literary studies


This chapter investigates the work of Morten Hallager (1740–1803), one of the most productive figures in the emerging market for children’s books in Denmark. With strong language skills in German and French, know-how as a former printer, and a career as a schoolmaster, he had important… read more
Appel, Charlotte 2023 3.3. Catechism primers in Denmark (and Norway until 1814)Learning to Read, Learning Religion: Catechism primers in Europe from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries, Juska-Bacher, Britta, Wendelin Sroka, Tuija Laine and M.O. Grenby (eds.), pp. 96–113 | Chapter
Appel, Charlotte, Nina Christensen and M.O. Grenby 2023 IntroductionTransnational Books for Children 1750-1900: Producers, consumers, encounters, Appel, Charlotte, Nina Christensen and M.O. Grenby (eds.), pp. 1–15 | Chapter