Urmas Sutrop

List of John Benjamins publications for which Urmas Sutrop plays a role.


In this paper the theory of the evolution of basic color terms introduced by Berlin & Kay is applied to Mandarin Chinese. The data was collected using the fieldwork methods, color list and color-naming tasks. The rainbow order of colors does not affect the list task results. The results, i.e. basic… read more
Sutrop, Urmas 2011 Towards a semiotic theory of basic colour terms and the semiotics of Juri LotmanNew Directions in Colour Studies, Biggam, Carole P., Carole Hough, Christian Kay and David R. Simmons (eds.), pp. 39–48 | Article
Semioticians like BCT theory, although there is no semiotic theory of BCTs. In Juri Lotman’s modelling framework, one can analyze the BCTs using the formula “language = code + history” and abandon the technical definition of a BCT (a term is basic if it is frequent and passes some hurdles in… read more