Guy Bailey

List of John Benjamins publications for which Guy Bailey plays a role.


The Emergence of Black English: Text and commentary

Edited by Guy Bailey, Natalie Maynor and Patricia Cukor-Avila

[Creole Language Library, 8] 1991. x, 352 pp.
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Bailey, Guy 1997 When did Southern American English begin?Englishes around the World: Studies in honour of Manfred Görlach, Schneider, Edgar W. (ed.), pp. 255 ff. | Article
Bailey, Guy, Thomas Wikle and Jan Tillery 1997 The Effects of Methods on Results in DialectologyEnglish World-Wide 18:1, pp. 35–63 | Article
Although dialectology was among the first disciplines to use the survey as a research tool, dialectologists, unlike researchers in other social sciences, have done little work in assessing the effects of their survey methods on their results. This paper attempts to begin a dialog on the effects of… read more
Bailey, Guy, Thomas Wikle and Lori Sand 1991 The Focus of Linguistic Innovation in TexasEnglish World-Wide 12:2, pp. 195–214 | Article
Bailey, Guy and Garry Ross 1988 The Shape of the Superstrate: Morphosyntactic Features of Ship EnglishEnglish World-Wide 9:2, pp. 193–212 | Article
Bailey, Guy and Natalie Maynor 1985 The Present Tense of Be in White Folk Speech of the Southern United StatesEnglish World-Wide 6:2, pp. 199–216 | Article