Bei Hu
List of John Benjamins publications for which Bei Hu plays a role.
Translating intercultural interactions in the Netflix-branded film American Factory Audiovisual translation in the age of streaming, Choi, Jinsil, Kyung Hye Kim and Jonathan Evans (eds.), pp. 378–403 | Article
2023 The Netflix-branded film American Factory glaringly illustrates China’s and the United States’s contrasting views on capitalism, propaganda, and labour rights. The film directors have argued that the entangling of clashing civilisations that permeates numerous layers of the documentary is… read more
Chapter 10. Flowing to the reception side: A trade-off model of translation acceptance Translation Flows: Exploring networks of people, processes and products, Feinauer, Ilse, Amanda Marais and Marius Swart (eds.), pp. 183–206 | Chapter
2023 The empirical line of reception studies has staked out new research questions regarding the effects of translation on actual readers. Nevertheless, the underlying mechanisms of how the translated text flows towards and is received by the target reader remain elusive, notably with respect to… read more
Trust to thrive: On academic publishing in interpreting and translation studies Interpreting 24:2, pp. 309–317 | Discussion
2022 How are translation norms negotiated? A case study of risk management in Chinese institutional translation Target 32:1, pp. 83–121 | Article
2020 Translation norms are conventionally viewed as forces that regulate translatorial behavior. Yet little is known about how norms are validated, challenged or broken by human agents. This quasi-experimental study of Chinese institutional translation proposes a risk-management model that explains… read more