Misha Becker
List of John Benjamins publications for which Misha Becker plays a role.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Language acquisition | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
We offer evidence that children correctly represent unaccusative verbs as taking a single internal argument, rather than an external argument, and they raise this argument to subject position via A-movement, contra Babyonyshev et al. (2001). Our primary evidence comes from the distribution of… read more
Becker, Misha, John Grinstead and Jason Rothman 2013
Introduction Generative Linguistics and Acquisition: Studies in honor of Nina M. Hyams, Becker, Misha, John Grinstead and Jason Rothman (eds.), pp. 1–10 | Article
The dissertation summarized here provides an account of the fact that young children acquiring English (around age 2) often produce utterances like (1), in which they omit a form of the copula, be.
(1)I in the kitchen.
Childrens production of forms like (1) is interesting for two main reasons:… read more