Anne O'Keeffe

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anne O'Keeffe plays a role.



Corpus Linguistics for Language Learning Research

Pascual Pérez-Paredes, Geraldine Mark and Anne O'Keeffe

[Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 12] 2025. xiii, 205 pp. + index
Subjects Applied linguistics | Corpus linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching

Applying Corpus Linguistics

Edited by Fiona Farr and Anne O'Keeffe

Special issue of International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 16:3 (2011) vi, 136 pp.
Subjects Computational & corpus linguistics
Knight, Dawn, Anne O'Keeffe, Geraldine Mark, Christopher Fitzgerald, Justin McNamara, Svenja Adolphs, Benjamin Cowan, Tania Fahey Palma, Fiona Farr and Sandrine Peraldi 2024 Indicating engagement in online workplace meetings: The role of backchannelling head nodsCorpus Approaches to Business Communication, Gillings, Mathew and Susanne Kopf (eds.), pp. 389–416 | Article
Amid COVID-19 and the so-called “digital pivot”, online virtual communication is at the heart of our professional and private lives. As we move into a post-COVID context, the affordances of the digital turn have shown that we can operate professionally online but there is a need for better… read more
This chapter focuses on the need to address both theories of learning and theories of language acquisition in data-driven learning (DDL) research. While it recognises that there has been so much worthwhile research work on DDL which has shed so much light on the value of DDL, it is still not a… read more
English Profile (EP) is an ongoing empirical exploration of learner English initiated by Cambridge University Press and Cambridge English, among others. EP aims to create a set of empirically-based descriptions of language competencies for English. ‘Reference Level Descriptors’ already exist as… read more
Farr, Fiona and Anne O'Keeffe 2011 IntroductionApplying Corpus Linguistics, Farr, Fiona and Anne O'Keeffe (eds.), pp. 299–304 | Article
Walsh, Steve, Tom Morton and Anne O'Keeffe 2011 Analysing university spoken interaction: A CL/CA approachApplying Corpus Linguistics, Farr, Fiona and Anne O'Keeffe (eds.), pp. 325–345 | Article
In this article, we consider how corpus linguistics (CL) and conversation analysis (CA) can be used together to provide enhanced descriptions of spoken interaction in the context of small group teaching in higher education. From our analysis of the data, we show how the two approaches can be… read more
O'Keeffe, Anne and Svenja Adolphs 2008 Response tokens in British and Irish discourse: Corpus, context and variational pragmaticsVariational Pragmatics: A focus on regional varieties in pluricentric languages, Schneider, Klaus P. and Anne Barron (eds.), pp. 69–98 | Article
The use of vague language is one of themost common features of everyday spoken English. Speakers regularly use vague expressions to project shared knowledge (e.g., pens, books, and that sort of thing) as well as to make approximations (e.g. around sevenish; he’s sort of tall). Research shows that… read more
Farr, Fiona and Anne O'Keeffe 2002 2. Would as a hedging device in an Irish context: An intra-varietal comparison of institutionalised spoken interactionUsing Corpora to Explore Linguistic Variation, Reppen, Randi, Susan Fitzmaurice and Douglas Biber (eds.), pp. 25–48 | Chapter