This chapter offers an introduction to the topic and to the individual contributions of the present volume. First, it presents an evaluation of the general potential of combining (usage-based and cognitively oriented) Construction Grammar with Hispanic (and Romance) linguistics. Further, it aims… read more
The present contribution investigates verb-particle constructions formed with
‘back(wards)’ in Old Spanish, against the background of the typological change from (mostly) satellite-framed patterns in Latin to the predominantly verb-framed strategies in… read more
Spanish verb-particle constructions such as llamar para atrás ‘call back’ or ir para atrás ‘go back’, which are found among bilingual speakers in the USA, have been attributed either to structural and/or semantic contact with English or to merely language-internal evolutions. In the present… read more
Guianese French Creole (GFC) is one of the least studied French Creoles, which is especially true with respect to its non-French-related input. Combining sociohistorical, demographic and linguistic data, this contribution gives a first lexico-etymological account of the GFC lexicon of non-French… read more