Renee Perelmutter

List of John Benjamins publications for which Renee Perelmutter plays a role.


New Approaches to Slavic Verbs of Motion

Edited by Victoria Hasko and Renee Perelmutter

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 115] 2010. x, 392 pp.
Subjects Balto-Slavic linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Typology
Perelmutter, Renee 2021 Chapter 8. Online nicks, impoliteness, and Jewish identity in Israeli Russian conflict discourseApproaches to Internet Pragmatics: Theory and practice, Xie, Chaoqun, Francisco Yus and Hartmut Haberland (eds.), pp. 235–256 | Chapter
This paper examines how online interlocutors manipulate the nickname or nick, an important form of self-presentation and identity construction online (Bechar-Israeli 1995; Aarsand 2008; Yus 2011: 43–44). Most studies of nicks focused on their taxonomy, but paid little attention to interaction.… read more
Impoliteness, often described as non-cooperative and norm-disrupting verbal behavior (Keinpointner 2008; Culpeper et al. 2003; Beebe 1995), can also serve important sociability functions. When tension is present between individual and group face wants, impoliteness can be used to establish,… read more
Hasko, Victoria and Renee Perelmutter 2010 Introduction. Verbs of motion in Slavic languages: Paths for explorationNew Approaches to Slavic Verbs of Motion, Hasko, Victoria and Renee Perelmutter (eds.), pp. 1–11 | Article
Perelmutter, Renee 2010 Chapter 7. Verbs of motion under negation in Modern RussianNew Approaches to Slavic Verbs of Motion, Hasko, Victoria and Renee Perelmutter (eds.), pp. 163–193 | Article
This article examines the behavior of Russian motion verbs under negation. Negated motion constructions differ from affirmative motion constructions in two respects: (1) frequency of high manner verbs, as well as verbs that specify path through prefixation; (2) aspect marking. Using detailed… read more
This article, in an attempt to add to the growing literature on Old Russian reported speech, considers the pragmatics of jako recitativum, i.e. direct discourse introduced by the particle jako ‘that, how’, a multifunctional conjunction with a variety of subordinating uses. Through a detailed… read more