A Mooznah Auleear Owodally

List of John Benjamins publications for which A Mooznah Auleear Owodally plays a role.


Auleear Owodally, A Mooznah and Swaleha Peeroo 2021 Multilingualism in Mauritius: Using a virtual linguistic servicescape lensLinguistic Landscape 7:1, pp. 6–36 | Article
While the internet facilitates communication and interaction between businesses and customers, social media platforms afford both of them opportunities to co-construct information online. These meeting points between businesses and customers, which are then displayed online, constitute a virtual… read more
Focusing on madrassah1 Islamiyat2 textbooks written in Kreol by two local textbook writers for use in Sunni madrassahs in Mauritius, the present study shows how the writers have adopted Kreol, enriching and adapting it with loanwords from Arabic, to communicate religious information to the… read more