日本言語政策学会 / Japan Association for Language Policy. 言語政策 / Language
Policy 10. 2014 Research Methods in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies, Rojo López, Ana María and Ricardo Muñoz Martín (eds.), pp. 184–213 | Chapter
2025 Przemysław Janikowski
List of John Benjamins publications for which Przemysław Janikowski plays a role.
Speech recording has always been the main method in working with spoken language, since it is an easy way to transfer data from volatile to non-volatile memory for the purpose of linguistic analyses. In translation and interpreting research, recordings of interpreters’ performances have been… read more
Syntax, stress and cognitive load, or on syntactic processing in simultaneous interpreting Translation and Interpreting at the Interface of Cognition and Emotion, Rojo López, Ana María and Purificación Meseguer Cutillas (eds.), pp. 22–47 | Article
2024 This corpus-based study examines the effect of syntactic complexity in the source language on simultaneous interpreters’ cognitive load and stress. Previous studies show contrasting results regarding the source text syntax and cognitive load in interpreting, while the link between syntactic… read more
Multimodal processing in simultaneous interpreting with text: Interpreters focus more on the visual than the auditory modality Target 32:1, pp. 37–58 | Article
2020 The present study focuses on (in)congruence of input between the visual and the auditory modality in simultaneous interpreting with text. We asked twenty-four professional conference interpreters to simultaneously interpret an aurally and visually presented text with controlled incongruences in… read more
The eye or the ear? Source language interference in sight translation and simultaneous interpreting Interpreting 22:2, pp. 187–210 | Article
2020 In the current study we set out to investigate source language interference in the visual modality (in sight translation – ST) and in the auditory modality (in simultaneous interpreting – SI). We probed interpretations of cognates, interlingual homographs and passive structures in single sentence… read more