Peter Andersson

List of John Benjamins publications for which Peter Andersson plays a role.


Grammaticalization meets Construction Grammar

Edited by Evie Coussé, Peter Andersson and Joel Olofsson

[Constructional Approaches to Language, 21] 2018. vi, 315 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics | Morphology | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics


Andersson, Peter and Kristian Blensenius 2018 Matches and mismatches in Swedish [ gå och V ] ‘go/walk and V’: An exemplar-based perspectiveAsymmetries, Mismatches and Construction Grammar, Koutsoukos, Nikos, Kristel Van Goethem and Hendrik De Smet (eds.), pp. 147–177 | Article
This article studies the pseudo-coordination [gå ‘go/walk’ och ‘and’ V]. The construction has several meanings and it also has subordination counterparts in Modern Swedish, unlike most Swedish pseudo-coordinations. Our diachronic study shows that [gå och V] cannot readily be reduced to the verbs… read more
Coussé, Evie, Peter Andersson and Joel Olofsson 2018 Grammaticalization meets Construction Grammar: Opportunities, challenges and potential incompatibilitiesGrammaticalization meets Construction Grammar, Coussé, Evie, Peter Andersson and Joel Olofsson (eds.), pp. 3–19 | Chapter
Andersson, Peter 2008 Swedish må and the (de)grammaticalization debateTheoretical and Empirical Issues in Grammaticalization, Seoane, Elena and María José López-Couso (eds.), pp. 15–32 | Article