Joan O’Sullivan

List of John Benjamins publications for which Joan O’Sullivan plays a role.


This paper examines change in the sociolinguistic landscape of Irish English based on a diachronic corpus of radio advertisements from 1997 and 2007, with a focus on the relatively new accent variety, Advanced Dublin English (AdvD) (Hickey 2013). The quantitative and qualitative analyses are… read more
O’Sullivan, Joan 2015 Pragmatic markers in contemporary radio advertising in IrelandPragmatic Markers in Irish English, Amador-Moreno, Carolina P., Kevin McCafferty and Elaine Vaughan (eds.), pp. 318–347 | Article
This paper explores the presence and function of pragmatic markers (PMs) which have been argued to be associated with Irish English (Kallen 2006; Schneider 2008; Amador-Moreno 2010; Clancy and Vaughan 2012; Schweinberger 2012), through an analysis of a corpus of advertisements from an Irish radio… read more