Joep Jaspers

List of John Benjamins publications for which Joep Jaspers plays a role.


ISSN 1388-8951 | E-ISSN 1569-9722
Jaspers, Joep and Daniël Janssen 2006 Problems in the Field: Writing from the startText features which enable cognitive strategies during text comprehension, Oostendorp, Herre van (ed.), pp. 68–70 | Miscellaneous
Janssen, Daniël and Joep Jaspers 2004 Client-oriented correspondance: How do you actually do it?Information Design Journal 12:3, pp. 187–189 | Miscellaneous
Jaspers, Joep and Daniel Jansen 2003 Problems in the Field: My readers hate each other ... What do you suggest I write?Document Design 4:2, pp. 129–131 | Miscellaneous
Jaspers, Joep and Daniël Janssen 2002 Problems in the field: Learning from readersDocument Design 3:1, pp. 13–15 | Miscellaneous
Jaspers, Joep and Daniël Janssen 2001 Problems in the field: ‘Improving’ the structure of business textsDocument Design 2:1, pp. 58–60 | Article
Jaspers, Joep and Daniël Janssen 2001 Problems in the field: Writing good reports togetherDocument Design 2:2, pp. 152–154 | Miscellaneous
Jaspers, Joep and Daniël Janssen 2001 Problems in the field: A crisis means bad news, but the reverse doesn’ holdThe Pragmatics of Crisis, Jacobs, Geert and Luuk Van Waes (eds.), pp. 293–294 | Miscellaneous
Janssen, Daniël and Joep Jaspers 1999 Problems in the Field: Texts and text design in the real worldDocument Design 1:2, pp. 115–117 | Miscellaneous
Jaspers, Joep and Daniël Janssen 1999 Problems in the FieldDocument Design 1:1, pp. 35–37 | Article
Jaspers, Joep and Daniël Janssen 1999 Problems in the field: 'Improving' the structure of business textsDocument Design 1:3, pp. 182–184 | Miscellaneous
Jaspers, Joep 1987 Perspectiefkeuze in VoorlichtingstekstenCommunicatie in bedrijf en beroep, pp. 81–93 | Article
The advice often given to writers of information brochures (distributed by governmental organisations, health organisations, etc) to use a reader based style to produce a more readable text, is difficult to follow. Especially the use of the pronoun you (creating a reader perspective, RP, in, for… read more
Jaspers, Joep en Guust Meijers 1987 Optimale Communicatie in Bedrijf en Beroep: Eisen en OplossingenCommunicatie in bedrijf en beroep, pp. 7–17 | Article