Robert L. Goldstone

List of John Benjamins publications for which Robert L. Goldstone plays a role.

An individual can interact with the same set of people over many different scales simultaneously. Four people might interact as a group of four and, at the same time, in pairs and triads. What is the relationship between different parallel interaction scales, and how might those scales… read more
Son, Ji Y. and Robert L. Goldstone 2011 Fostering general transfer with specific simulationsTechnology Enhanced Learning and Cognition, Dror, Itiel E. (ed.), pp. 9–50 | Article
Son, Ji Y. and Robert L. Goldstone 2009 Fostering general transfer with specific simulationsPragmatics & Cognition 17:1, pp. 1–42 | Article
Science education faces the difficult task of helping students understand and appropriately generalize scientific principles across a variety of superficially dissimilar specific phenomena. Can cognitive technologies be adapted to benefit both learning specific domains and generalizable transfer?… read more
Gureckis, Todd M. and Robert L. Goldstone 2008 Thinking in groupsCognition Distributed: How cognitive technology extends our minds, Dror, Itiel E. and Stevan Harnad (eds.), pp. 99–116 | Article
Is cognition an exclusive property of the individual or can groups have a mind of their own? We explore this question from the perspective of complex adaptive systems. One of the principal insights from this line of work is that rules that govern behavior at one level of analysis (the individual)… read more
Gureckis, Todd M. and Robert L. Goldstone 2006 Thinking in groupsDistributed Cognition, Harnad, Stevan and Itiel E. Dror (eds.), pp. 293–311 | Article
Is cognition an exclusive property of the individual or can groups have a mind of their own? We explore this question from the perspective of complex adaptive systems. One of the principal insights from this line of work is that rules that govern behavior at one level of analysis (the individual)… read more