Alexandra Volanschi

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alexandra Volanschi plays a role.


Kübler, Natalie and Alexandra Volanschi 2012 Semantic prosody and specialised translation, or how a lexico-grammatical theory of language can help with specialised translationCorpus-Informed Research and Learning in ESP: Issues and applications, Boulton, Alex, Shirley Carter-Thomas and Elizabeth Rowley-Jolivet (eds.), pp. 103–134 | Article
Corpus linguistics has invaded translation studies and practice over the last fifteen years, allowing researchers to analyse the language of translation or to use corpora as tools in the translation process. This study deals with the application of a theoretical and methodological corpus… read more
Volanschi, Alexandra and Natalie Kübler 2011 The impact of metaphorical framing on term creation in biologyTerminology 17:2, pp. 198–223 | Article
The present paper is an in-depth study of the lexical units transferred by metaphorical extension from general English to the field of biology, based on the analysis of a 20 million word corpus of scientific articles. Terminological metaphors are analysed both as keys to cognitive processes… read more