Thomas H. Bak
List of John Benjamins publications for which Thomas H. Bak plays a role.
Chapter 6. Cooking pasta in La Paz: Bilingualism, bias, and the replication crisis Bilingualism, Executive Function, and Beyond: Questions and insights, Sekerina, Irina A., Lauren Spradlin and Virginia Valian (eds.), pp. 81–99 | Chapter
2019 Literature on bilingualism and cognition is characterized by a large amount of conflicting evidence. In some studies, bilinguals perform better then monolinguals on executive tasks involving inhibition, monitoring, and switching but are slower on tasks of lexical processing. Other studies don’t… read more
Chapter 12. The impact of bilingualism on cognitive ageing and dementia: Finding a path through a forest of confounding variables Growing Old with Two Languages: Effects of Bilingualism on Cognitive Aging, Bialystok, Ellen and Margot D. Sullivan (eds.), pp. 243–264 | Chapter
2017 Within the current debates on cognitive reserve, cognitive ageing and dementia increasingly showing a positive effect of mental, social and physical activities on health in older age, bilingualism remains one of the most controversial issues. Some reasons for it might be social or even ideological.… read more
Cooking pasta in La Paz: Bilingualism, bias and the replication crisis Bilingualism and Executive Function: An interdisciplinary approach, Sekerina, Irina A. and Lauren Spradlin (eds.), pp. 699–717 | Article
2016 Literature on bilingualism and cognition is characterised by a large amount of conflicting evidence. In some studies, bilinguals perform better then monolinguals on executive tasks involving inhibition, monitoring and switching but are slower on tasks of lexical processing. Other studies don’t… read more
The impact of bilingualism on cognitive ageing and dementia: Finding a path through a forest of confounding variables Aging and Bilingualism, Bialystok, Ellen and Margot D. Sullivan (eds.), pp. 205–226 | Article
2016 Within the current debates on cognitive reserve, cognitive ageing and dementia increasingly showing a positive effect of mental, social and physical activities on health in older age, bilingualism remains one of the most controversial issues. Some reasons for it might be social or even… read more