Hironobu Kasai
List of John Benjamins publications for which Hironobu Kasai plays a role.
Reconsidering odd coordination in German Advances in Comparative Germanic Syntax, Alexiadou, Artemis, Jorge Hankamer, Thomas McFadden, Justin Nuger and Florian Schäfer (eds.), pp. 151–170 | Article
2009 This paper investigates why the Coordinate Structure Constraint (CSC) is violable in odd coordination in German. Schwartz’s (1998) analysis successfully handles nominal odd coordination but some cases of verbal odd coordination are problematic for his analysis. This paper offers an alternative… read more
Spelling-Out Scrambling Linguistic Variation Yearbook 2004, Pica, Pierre (ed.), pp. 109–141 | Article
2004 This paper offers a new analysis of Japanese scrambling, under which some instances of scrambling phenomena are derived from the process of linearization. It is specifically proposed that the absence of formal agreement in Japanese enables Spell-Out to apply solely to an argument of the verb. The… read more