Esperança Bielsa
List of John Benjamins publications for which Esperança Bielsa plays a role.
Chapter 1. Translating strangers Translating Asymmetry – Rewriting Power, Carbonell i Cortés, Ovidi and Esther Monzó-Nebot (eds.), pp. 15–34 | Chapter
2021 It has been argued that traditional notions of the stranger, as put forward in classical accounts by Simmel, Schütz and others, need to be re-examined in the light of widespread social developments that challenge the divisions between the self and the other that were once taken for granted. This… read more
Translation in global news agencies Target 19:1, pp. 135–155 | Article
2007 This article presents news agencies as vast translation agencies, structurally designed to achieve fast and reliable translations of large amounts of information. It maintains that translation is of the utmost importance in the news agencies and that it is inseparable from other journalistic… read more